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Uttarakhand sacks 6 govt lawyers for ‘vacillating attitude in HC’

The Uttarakhand government removed six government counsels from its board on Saturday for their “vacillating attitude while representing the state in the high court.” The decision was made in response to chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami‘s instructions, and the government stated that new appointments would be made on merit.
Sudhir Kumar Singh, additional secretary, issued the order. “The appointment of law officers representing the state in the high court, as decided by the government after due consideration,” it said.

Additional advocates general, deputy advocate general, additional chief standing counsel, standing counsel, additional government counsel, and a brief holder were among those fired. This is the first time in the state’s history that such a large number of lawyers representing the state have been removed from the panel at the same time. 

The decision was made in response to allegations of poor advocacy in numerous HC cases.

Uttarakhand sacks 6 govt lawyers for ‘vacillating attitude in HC’

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